Make a Difference

The funding goals for these two projects are different. ProfHub’s estimated building costs are €90,000, while BodoArXiv (and other preprint servers) require more modest but ongoing maintenance.
You will have a chance to specify if you wish to earmark a donation to specific project.
Donate 25 EUR or more (10 EUR reduced rate) to claim a year's membership once ScholarlyHub is up
By making a donation you agree to these Terms & Conditions
Certain practical matters are dealt with in the Donation FAQs
Thanks to our supporters:
- Anonymous€100
- Malte H.€100
- Anonymous€50
- Anonymous€50
- Sonia P.€70
- Asha K.€10
- Rotem R.€20
- Anonymous€50
- Yoav D.€100
- R. W.€20
- Sita S.€20
- Rob M.€10
- Justyna W-M.€15
- Belle T.€15
- Timmy V.€20
- Katherine S.€20
- Joost de B.€10
- יודן רופא€25
- Mark S.€150
- Abbigail A.€20
- Robert L.€20
- Ana T.€5
- Christopher H.€50
- Gabriel B.€15
- Shakhar R.€10
- Miriam R.€100
- Jan T.€40
- Rowan D.€50
- Jitske J.€50
- Katie R.€10
- Ross D.€45
- Enzo R.€50
- Paul S.€40
- Christopher J.€25
- Ben R.€25
- Asli T.€50
- David N.€30
- Elena C.€50
- Jefferson P.€100
- Allen R.€10
- Daphna O-M.€100
- Anonymous€100
- Anonymous€50
- Joshua C.€25
- Morritz F.€100
- Guy G.€50
- A.M K.€25
- G. C.€100
- C.G.D.€50
- Anonymous€100
- Anonymous€75
- Markus S.€50
- Anonymous€20
- S. M.€100
- N. S.€100
- J.K. W.€100
- G.M. B.€10
- J. S.€25
- FP W.€20
- Karin van E.€20
- Edwin S.€100
- C.M.L.€50
- N. V.€25
- C.V.W.€50
- Anonymous€20
- Anonymous€50
- Anonymous€100
- Anonymous€50
- Malte H.€100
- Hilla D.€50
- Anonymous€25
- Anonymous€50
- Judith N.€30
- Anonymous€50
- Marco T.€25
- Kevin G.€25
- Sara R.€25
- Michael S.€50
- Timothée B.€30
- E. Natalie R.€25
- Martijn van S.€25
- Albert Sanchez G.€10
- Noa R.€50
- Daan M.€25
- Amanda H G.€30
- Alessandro N. T.€15.31
- M S.€150
- Maya Soifer I.€31
- Artemy K.€25
- Sara M.€51
- Rolf H.€123.45
- Erik H.€25
- George B.€30
- J. K.€150
- Luc de G.€26
- Amanda C.€60
- Toma S.€25
- Martin H.€100
- Pier van L.€100
- Jefferson P.€50
- Brenda M.€30
- Walid S.€52
- Charles O.€50
- Christophe S.s€25
- Alexander B.h€51.12
- Rolf N.€30.81
- Cora R.€20
- Cora R.€20
- Serjoscha W.€25
- Jaap K.€25
Raised so far
Goal: €100,000 by May 2019
We will regularly issue updates